USTHB English Speakers Magazine USTHB English Speakers Magazine 1st Edition | Page 21

PROJELEC is a special talent competition hosted by Project initiative Club, in collaboration with CELEC Club. It is a program, in which stu- dents with creative ideas apply, learn the basics of electronics and entrepreneurship, and then build their electronic projects in a short period of two months, and understand, thus, how to commer- cialize their ideas-turned-projects in a competi- tive market. As a first time two clubs work side by side to co- ordinate such competition, expectations are quite high among the public scene, though the organiz- ing team is keeping a positive spirit, despite the struggle they are facing with the launching of this first edition, they are hoping the results will meet those expectations, and maybe climb even higher, after all, it is known that the University of Science and Technology Houari BOUMEDIENNE holds numerous brilliant and talented students who, by the way, are very ambitious and motivated to make a difference in our society, but are some- times hindered by the lack of skills or materials, that’s why the PI and CELEC clubs are prepared to give those persons with promising futures a small push, and mentor them into being the business men and women they should really be. The idea of PROJELEC came from the several ac- ademic projects that have been made, but never actually reached the market, which is a shame, ob- viously, for they could’ve solved many economic issues (and other department’s problems). Now, some of you would find that a bit hard to believe, but people, especially project holders, are usually unaware of the dimensions of markets they are in- vesting in, it is really no joke, and some basic ideas can, most likely, make exceptional profits, if they are treated in a ‘good’ way, if I may say. The competition happens in 4 respective rounds, known as ‘phases’, the first one being the applica- tion, where teams of 2 to 4 students submit their project for analysis. Then follows the second phase, where organizers would, basing their selection on the project poten- tial and other factors, choose 10 final teams, who would soon proceed to the third phase, in which they’d receive all the mentoring they need, I men- tion: professional soft skills (preparing for bigger challenges), electronic coding, public speaking, how to create a business plan model…etc. Com- petitors shall rest with no worry, however, as the organizers will be fully fending them with needed materials, work spaces, coaches and more. As for the final round, which will reportedly take place during the university’s 43rd anniversary, the finalists are to hold, in front of Juries, an ‘eleva- tor page’ (30 seconds of fast speech to present the main idea of their project), in addition to a formal presentation of the project (this time explaining all details). The Juries will then announce the win- ning team, and give a 10 minutes talk about entre- preneurship, the digital industry and maybe even some success stories. Everyone is curious about what exactly will the winners receive, right? Well, aside from the ex- perience th ey’d gain along their newly developed skills, the winning team will be granted incuba- tion programs, where they’ll be mentored till the creation of their start-up, meaning they will have the chance to market their idea and build a com- pany out of it. Plus, some material packages of- fered by the PROJELEC sponsors. With all that explained, I’m curious to know if some of you are considering entering the next PROJELEC editions, if you have an idea, then nothing can stop you, as DELLI Amel, a main or- ganizer of this program, said: “a student, especial- ly in the engineering field, shouldn’t only depend on his grades, this is his chance to benefit from a full mentoring program and be the entrepreneur of his own ideas, so he’d be the source of employ- ment and development”. 20