USTHB English Speakers Magazine USTHB English Speakers Magazine 1st Edition | Page 17

Argument from ignorance The whole meaning of this logical fallacy is to assert that a proposition is true because it has not been proved false or to assert that a proposition is false because it has not been proved true, as an example saying:”we couldn’t prove that this part of human body is useless so it’s useful” or “we couldn’t prove that this part of human body is useful so it’s useless”, wheth- er this part is useful or useless, the two statements are wrong because the reasoning is Not knowing something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, so you may not know what’s the ben- efits of some parts of your body but that doesn’t mean that those benefits doesn’t ex- ist (that doesn’t mean it’s use- ful either ), it happens a lot in every field of science where there’s no exact answers and scientists give argument and counter argument to show that they’re right like in “the theory of parallel universe in physics», «the theory of evolu- tion in biology” and so on. The only conclusion we can make is that the absence of evidence can’t be an argument of any- thing, the absence of evidence means that we just don’t know anything about our case, prob- ably yet. Circular reasoning A state where someone begins with what he’s trying to end with, its general form is “X is true because Y is true and Y is true because X true», and this is not a good statement at all, in order to proof the case X then you should do it independently of what’s com- ing after X being true, most of people make circular fallacy in mathematics “1+1=2 because 2=1+1” or in real life “I’m the best guy in the world because the best guy in the world is me”. Sometimes it’s hard to detect this fallacy because of longer chain of propositions, you should be careful and go deeply in studying or making reasoning. Texas Sharpshooter this logical fallacy is commit- ted whenever you start collect- ing data to support your point of view and make it stronger and also ignoring what shows it weakness and mistakes, this fallacy has been and contin- ued to be used by many scien- tists based on their personal beliefs (religious or historical ones) in the fields of biology, geology and psychology just to prove that thir personal tenets are true based on science. 16