USTHB English Speakers Magazine USTHB English Speakers Magazine 1st Edition | Page 16




Because other species are physically superior compared to us , and in order to survive , we trained our ability to think , that ’ s our trait as humans , to think properly . That ’ s how we developed logic .

As students , we make this wrong reasoning in mathematics when we reverse between the implication and equivalence statements . You can always move forward in reasoning , but the opposite isn ’ t available all the time .
Logic is studying the different forms of arguments and decide what ’ s true and what ’ s not , but due to the imperfection of our mind we started to make some wrong arguments , we call them “ logical fallacies ” and here ’ s some of the most used ones in life generally and science especially .
Non-sequitur ( Latin for “ it does not follow ”): a logical fallacy where the conclusion doesn ’ t follow our premises , so the conclusion may be true or false but the reasoning isn ’ t going to be true , it ’ s like making a leap without giving any sense of logic . For example : I live in Algeria therefore I live in Africa , If I don ’ t live in Algeria so I don ’ t live in Africa . And you can see that this is totally wrong .
Correlation does not imply causation A state said that a correlation between two variables does not imply that one causes the other . “ Zlabia is a famous dessert , its sales increase in Ramadan when a lot of people have health problems , if you ’ re one of the leaders of this fallacy then you will probably say that Zlabia caused health problems ” such a simple example to show how bad it leads us . Sciences are based on a chain of reasoning by studying the causes and consequences of a particular phenomenon depending on different variables , as future researchers I believe that we must focus on the links between causes and consequences , to make sure it ’ s rational and direct .
Argument from authority Considering what ’ s correct and what ’ s wrong based on what experienced people said is the idea of this fallacy . A famous scientist says that Earth is flat doesn ’ t make the Earth flat and you can say the same about it if he said something else about it , we ’ re human beings and human beings aren ’ t perfect , we make bad and wrong reasoning many times so why should you believe that something is true just because a scientist said it ?. It doesn ’ t matter what scientists say about scientific theories , the evidences they give are the important part of any of their work . Evidences rule the world .