Using Multimedia in the Foreign Language Classroom | Page 16

31 The aims of the lesson The lesson aims at helping students to approach authentic texts with confidence and to develop the strategies which are considered necessary in order for them to take from texts the information they need. It is considered that students will, in parallel and within a purposeful context, become able to use the computer more effectively. 3.2 The objectives It is expected that at the end of the lesson student will be able to:  use skimming in order to understand the overall organization of a text and get the gist  use scanning to locate specific information  guess the meaning of words from the context  understand cohesive ties and anaphoric relations  understand the organizational structure of narrative and the rules which govern such texts  relate personal experiences to new knowledge and practice extensive reading  increase their ability to use the computer effectively and appreciate the potential of the www as a source of authentic information 3.3. The activities The lesson is organized according to the three-stage framework as suggested in Wallace (1992) and is organized in pre-, while- and post-reading activities (see lesson plan, appendix III, pp. iii-vii). The role of each activity is analysed below. 3.3.1 Pre reading activities Their purpose is to help students activate relevant schemata (Williams and Moran (1989:219) and create a purpose for reading. Thus: Activity 1 (see appendix IV, p. viii) is a brainstorming activity which asks students to recall what they know about the Tower of London. A picture given to students helps them recall any relevant knowledge they might have. Finally, prompted by the picture, students are asked to form a number of questions about the Tower, an activity which helps them create expectations about the content of the reading text and approach it in an active way. As Williams and Sternberg (1993: 165-166) emphasise, it is more important for students to learn what questions to ask and how to ask them, 15