US Women Magazine August 2014 Vol 1 Issue 1 | Page 19

Women’s Wellness 5. Lifting isn’t Just for Men! Many women believe that lifting weights is for men only. There are many misconceptions about weight lifting in that we think we are going to get bulky muscles if we lift. A pound of muscle burns more calories than a pound of fat, up to nine times more. “Lifting weights is the top way to stave off age-related metabolic drop,” says Pamela Peeke, MD, assistant clinical professor of medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. 6. Yo-Yo Dieting is Gone! Yo-Yo dieting needs to be deleted from your lifestyle all together. This has a very negative effect on your body’s ability to burn efficiently and effectively. Yo-yo dieting will cause you to gain weight because it messes up your metabolism and keeps it at a lull. 7. Bedtime Snack How many times do we hear not to eat after 8:00 pm…let’s throw that idea away. Eating a protein snack before bedtime is essential. This will help the body to keep burning through your sleep time. Resting and having a good night’s sleep is essential to healthy weight loss. Two recent Florida State University studies found that having 150 calories about 30 minutes before you go to sleep—that’s an extra 150 calories added to your day, not taken out of your daily allotment—boosted metabolism in the morning, compared with having none.