Urlifestyle Magazine October 2016 (URLifestyle Magazine (July 2016) | Page 10

As long as people keep enjoying it, we’ll keep doing it and be thankful every single day that we get to do what we love. Every single one of us lives to make music. NJ: If you could tell your younger selves anything what would you say? Gina: Just do it! Don’t listen to anyone but yourself when it comes to your dreams. Practice, practice, practice; keep doing what it is you do, find others who’ve done it better and longer and learn from them. Also, that it’s never too late to follow your dreams. Relax, don’t sweat the small stuff and don’t be afraid to be you. NJ: What quote do you live by? Gina: There isn’t a particular quote, but we do live by our mission and that’s to put good things into the world. NJ: Best advice you ever got? Gina: That is such a hard question… between the three of us we have almost 150 years of life we’ve lived (I guess that makes us north of normal in more ways than just geography!) and goodness knows we’ve all gotten plenty of advice collectively. Ultimately though, the best nuggets from all that advice come down to this: Talk less and listen more… Listen to your quiet inside voice, like Oprah likes to say, it’s how God talks to you. Listen to that voice, trust it, and then use your gifts and live out your life in service to others. NJ: Where can we find you?? (social media links) >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> NJ: Where are your shows and what times and dates? Gina: We will be at the Junkyard Brewing Company in Moorhead on August 5th from 9-11 and will be announcing our fall schedule soon! “I know that without a doubt when I am able to follow that advice in my own life, I feel truly satisfied and peaceful with a sense of abundance.” Gina Powers 10 11