Urban Pulse Direct Spring 2017 | Page 9

never be afraid to reinvent yourself

Reign Apiim ( all power is in me ) a powerful young woman who has learned early in life the greatness revealed once you learn to love and trust yourself . Reign is a talented artist who expresses herself in such a captivating way . It ’ s in her jewelry , where she chooses to allow her experiences of love and pain to influence every design . In her works , you ’ ll find crystals that energize you or promote an energy from within . Reign ’ s clothing is authentic , rich in color and speaks to the soul . Her art mesmerizes and is a window into her every emotion . All power is in me ( APIIM ), is her self anointed pseudonym . When Reign explained to me what Apiim stood for and what that phrase meant to her , I was astounded . She talked about her experiences of heartbreak . With every heartbreak came an enlighten of who she truly is . As she went through the pains of life and the joys of love , Reign began to understand how powerful her energy is . Reign also learned that the energy she allows around her and within her is powerful in manifesting what she wants in her life .
As I ’ m listening to Reign tell her journey , I thought to myself , “ I know people well into their fifties , sixties even , that don ’ t get it . Here she is a twenty something artist from Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania who truly understands her power !” She ’ s not afraid to reinvent herself and has done so several times over , which is how she came to evolve into Reign Apiim .
Reign Apiim as a child
Watching this young lady enter a room is an experience in itself . I swear , I don ’ t think I saw her feet move . It was if she was being carried into the room by some type of mythical wind or something , that ’ s how graceful she was as we began to talk about her journey from the eccentricities of her younger years to this effervescent yet shaman like master of her space .
As a child Reign never felt the need to conform to any of societal norms that seemed to consume other kids her age . “ I was always seen as the weird kid in School . Looking back on it , let me tell you , I looked a little crazy to me now ”. it would seem mom understood that she had a special child , not special in the air quotes way but special as in creatively superior to her peers . As an adult , Reign can recall asking “ Mom are you really going to let me go to school this way ” to which mom would reply , “ If didn ’ t you would just kick and scream . So , the dye was cast , a young Reign to be with the nervous support of her intuitive mother begins her journey
Listen to her story coming this spring on UPDTV and catch the rest of this story at iloveupd . com . iLoveUPD . com 9