Urban Pulse Direct Spring 2017 | Page 7



Meet Goodwin Gabriel , a young African-American entrepreneur who is now the newest face in the increasingly competitive world of ride-sharing technology . www . moovn . com




Morgan Park Academy alum Greg Coleman is the man behind Sworkfit . www . sworkit . com
Mr . Gabriel is a self-taught tech guru and creator of the ride sharing APP Moovn . Currently operating in seven U . S . cities including New York , Washington , D . C . and Chicago , the Moovn app is a must get and stands ready to compete with Uber and Lyft .
What can ’ t be disputed is that Iman is one of the most elegant woman on the planet . So it came as no surprise when she launched her own cosmetic line and app . play . google . com / store / apps / details ? id = com . imancosmetics & hl = en


The app is designed with the on the go , health-conscious people in mind . Users are prompted to select the type of workout they ’ d prefer with strength , cardio , yoga and stretching as options . From there , users may customize their workout to focus on a specific problem area or take a whole-body approach . After that , simply choose the duration of the workout and begin with a push of a button .
Meet Candace Mitchell , Jessica Watson , Chanel Martin and Joy Buolamwini , Georgia Tech Grads and founders of Myavana . www . myavana . com / products / hairanalysis ? variant = 21372140675


Dr . Tiffany Simpkins Russell is an Author , advocate , educator and the creator of A Song for Miles . www . asongformiles . com
IMAN is your new personal makeup matchmaker that will find the perfect shade for your skin ! IMAN will catch the adequate foundation color match for you . With IMAN , women get exclusive access to the biggest cosmetics secrets at their fingertips : how to properly use concealer , embellish their eyes & lips and make them feel like real top models !
The four women joined forces in March of 2012 for a brainstorming Two months later they put into action a plan that would soon turn into Techturized , Inc . Today , people can sign up on the Techturized website , create their own unique hair profile , upload photos of their hairstyles and talk about their hair experiences .


A Song for Miles is compatible with school-based character education curriculum . The story creatively aligns with character traits such as initiative , compassion , civility , respect , empathy , responsibility , and perseverance . iLoveUPD . com 7