Urban Pulse Direct Holiday Edition 2018 | Page 12

1. Spend time, not money: As you probably already know, personal fi nances can be a big issue in any relationship. You’d be surprised if you looked at just how much money you spend annually on food outside of the home. Cooking at home is a cheaper alternative to dining out, but it’s also a way to spend quality time with your partner. What better time to start the new routine than the Holiday season? Instead of doing the, you cook, I clean thing, it’s better to do it all together so that you save time, reduce stress and strengthen lines of communication. Warning: Do not use this time to discuss serious issues, just have fun and save the serious stuff for later. 2. Focus: Cooking with your partner, especially during the Holidays, will make you feel more connected to your partner, which can help strengthen your bond. Activities like watching TV don’t always feel like quality time since it’s more diffi cult to be present or have a discussion. Try to set aside one or two days a week where you can alternate teaching each other recipes and going through the process together. HOLIDAY COOKING FOR COUPLES It almost sounds like a contradiction, but home cooked meals will help you lose weight and, as a bonus, it can also strengthen your relationship. Th ere is no other time of the year when cooking a meal at home has more focus than the Holiday Season so why not trim that waist line and build a stronger relationship at the same time. Cooking a holiday meal together with your partner brings the true meaning of the Holiday season into focus. Couple activities like cooking can help you both feel more bonded as a couple and creates a much happier environment for your entire family. Th ere are bonuses to cooking as a couple for the Holiday’ for its health, convenience, and joyful qualities. We’ve put together fi ve benefi ts of couples cooking together for the Holidays. 3. Healthy Couples Matter: You may have noticed that when you exercise and eat healthy you feel happier and less stressed? Th is is one of the benefi ts of cooking healthy meals side by side. When couples feel confi dent and secure in their relationships they tend to be more aff ectionate and open. Cooking with your partner for the Holidays and beyond can make you happier, healthier and closer as a couple. 4. Learn and love: Learning each other’s favorite foods and likes in the kitchen can be exciting. Learning from each other and sharing your skills and techniques can give you a since of appreciation and pride for your partner. Knowing what your partner likes can go a long way. Again, remember to keep it fun. Th is is not a competition. 5. Pay it forward: Setting time aside to prepare a meal with your partner can begin a pattern of kindness where one partner feels safe enough to send a nice message of thanks the next day or to do something kind in return. Remember, the more you help someone get what they want, the easier it becomes to get what you want. We Tell Stories of Business Owners Making Big Business Moves! Subscribe to UPDTV on YouTube. Want your story told? email us at [email protected] www.updmediagroup.com U R B A N PULSE DIRECT