Urban Lit 4 | Page 7

Stephen Douglas, and many others close-up, involving experience, the who have come to the exploding sort of vibrant glimpse beneath frontier town of Springfield to find the veneer of history that only the their futures. It is through another very best fiction can provide. friend, a fictional poet, Cage Weatherby, that we will come to Rating: 5 stars know Lincoln in his twenties and thirties, as a series of formative, Review: surprising incidents unfolds—his service in the Black Hawk War, his A Friend of Mr. Lincoln by Steparticipation in a poetry-writing phen Harrigan is indeed a fabusociety, a challenge to a duel that lous read. Readers will be intensebegins as a farce but quickly rises ly intrigued from page one. Here, Synopsis: to lethal potential . . . Cage both readers will see sides of Abraham admires and clashes with Lincoln, Lincoln that we never really got to The author of the best-selling The sometimes questioning his legal see in history books. Readers will ethics and his cautious stance on follow this story and learn of Mr. Gates of the Alamo now gives us a galvanizing portrait of Abraham Lincoln during a crucially revealing period of his life, the early Springfield years, when he risked both his sanity and his ethical bearings as he searched for the slavery. But he is by Lincoln’s side Lincoln's friends, good times and as Lincoln slips back and forth be- bad, as well as who Mr. Lincoln soul- was inside and out. A brilliant hollowing sadness and depression, masterpiece that shows readers tween high spirits and and as he recovers from a disas- the emotional side of history's trous courtship of one woman to most famous men. Stephen Harri- great destiny he believed to be his. marry the beautiful, capricious, gan has perfectly captured a man politically savvy Mary Todd. It is we all know. His writing gives It is Illinois in the 1830s and Mary who will bring stability to readers an insider's view that not Lincoln’s life, but who will also only tells but shows them visually 1840s. Abraham Lincoln is a cir- cuit-riding lawyer, a member of the state legislature, a man of al- trigger a conflict that sends the what Mr. Lincoln was like back in two men on very different paths the 1830's and 1840's. Politicians most ungovernable ambition. To into the future. Historically accurate, rich in character, filled with his friends he is also a beloved figthe juice and dreams and raw amure, by turns charmingly awkward bitions of Americans on the make and mesmerizingly selfin an early frontier city, A Friend possessed—a man of whom they, of Mr. Lincoln is a revelatory and too, expect big things. Among his moving portrayal of Abraham Linfriends and political colleagues are coln in his young manhood. It is a Joshua Speed, William Herndon, face many ups and downs just like the rest of us ordinary people. A Friend of Mr. Lincoln shows a man's journey as he goes about his career and becoming the man he's known for today. It was interesting to find out who Mr. Lincoln's real historical friends were as well