Urban Lit 4 | Page 31

serter. With a setting that is Hog- to start over rather than staying warts meets The Bourne Identity, home having to face her cheating this debut YA thriller will make boyfriend and ex best friend. readers mad with suspense. Desert Dark totally fits in with the Rating: 5 stars overall story. As the new girl, Nadia finds herself in the middle of a Review: dessert with a top security governmental school, she finds there are Desert Dark by Sonja Stone is bril- indeed dark things going liantly stunning. Her novel is set on...Nadia is smart and a tough for YA; however, adults like myself student. She soon realizes how far will lose themselves inside this in- behind she is and works daily to Synopsis: credible read. I found it enticing, bring herself up to standards with suspenseful and packed with ac- her four-man team. Her room- tion. There's also, a mystery sur- mate has a southern accent and is Sixteen-year-old Nadia Riley is de- rounding the events that keep a little OCD when it comes to lighted to earn a spot at an elite, readers intrigued from the begin- keeping things clean...but their government-funded boarding ning and until the ending. This friendship blooms despite school. Nothing sounds better than new title in YA is exciting, hot, and that...but Nadia soon finds out carries a lot of themes such as fam- each member of her team is holdleaving behind her fraught relationship with her ex-boyfriend and ily, loyalty, and friendshi ˈHX