Urban Lit 4 | Page 30

her food and his previous plans are meals prepared by the main char- quickly forgotten. He begins to ob- acter. She is beautiful, smart, and sess about meeting his little chef in fun. person. He’s not alone. Once Eva Synopsis: Eva Raines is an uncomplicated country girl who’s all about food. hears Gabe’s voice and spends J.R Barret's novel is steady paced time in his home in the Napa Val- and well-written. Once readers ley, she begins to wonder about open it up to read it won't be put the real man and her dreams of down until they read the last page. him are so hot they could ignite a Inside The Beauty and the Feast, barbecue. When Eva and Gabe fi- readers are taken into a kitchen nally come face to face, the ques- where we find our main character tion is, how hot will their fire cooking and then being hosed burn? down by a horny teenage boy. A horny teenage boy that she has to Rating: 5 stars Eva moves to the Napa Valley where her culinary skills come to babysit for her boss. He takes great pleasure in soaking her shirts until Review: they are transparent...then leaves the attention of the owners of a grinning like a cashmere cat start-up and Eva finds her niche as The Beauty and the Feast by J.R. a personal chef. Now all she needs Barret is a highly entertaining ro- in Alice of Wonderland. Readers is a man as perfect as her cooking, mance. It's hot, sexy, and funny cooking skills will make anyone's but she has serious doubts such a sweet. This was the first novel I mouth water...especially that of a creature exists. have read by this talented individ- hot sexy man who heats up her ual. The characters were fun to dreams. Gabe is soon led to Eva When wealthy entrepreneur, win- will be intrigued by Eva whose read about and follow along with and unlike most romances...this ery owner, and noted lothario, Ga- as the plot developed. Readers will woman has a lot more than looks briel Abbott, makes plans to sebe enticed with this title from the that attract a red-blooded male duce his flavor of the month, his first page and onward. Food, cul- like him. But what fate holds in assistant hires All Things to All ture, and amazing travel readers store for them both is one, readers People to cater a gourmet dinner. will get to taste and view when must find out on their own. I absoEva expects to use her way with reading this brilliant novel. I found lutely loved reading this title...the food to showcase the startup. myself completely lost as I read cover and name of the book fit in What she unexpectedly discovers this story. It was like I was right perfectly with the story and its is that her culinary skills showcase there watching and engaging in the characters. Spicy, sensual, and far more. Gabriel Abbott finds exciting scenes around me. The masterfully woven, The Beauty himself seduced by her voice and smells were so vivid that I found and the Feast, is definitely a must the sensual flavors and textures of myself almost tasting the delicious read for all.