Urban Grandstand Digital Issue 3 | Page 8

Urban Grandstand Digital: So will you be doing auditions regularly? What are your plans in terms of progressing?

Milyn Jensen: I hope so. I mean, I’m searching for more roles that catch me and get me interested. Where I know I can become that person in the audition. It’s not like I have twenty auditions. If I can get one per week, that’s where I’m at.

Urban Grandstand Digital: What is your ultimate role?

Milyn Jensen: The scary movie things. I thought the audition I did was perfect. The girl was raped, and her parents were super malicious. It was the opposite of me. I said it was perfect, and I get killed. I want to live til’ the last second of the movie and then get brutally murdered [laughing]

Urban Grandstand Digital: I think it’s good that you are spreading yourself round and doing different things. I’ve never been a fan of complacency, so I think it’s good that you’re doing different things and not being complacent. It definitely gives you something to fall back on. You don’t want to just get stuck on one thing

Milyn Jensen: Right

Urban Grandstand Digital: So are you pretty much done with nursing?

Milyn Jensen: I did feel like I wanted to go back. All I had to do was my externship. I’m all over the place, so it’s a little difficult. I’m only twenty-six, so I can aways go back. When I turn thirty, if I’m still absolutely dry, then I can always go back.

Urban Grandstand Digital: It’s a good outlook though. You do always have that option. So you’re also doing some event hosting. Talk to me about that.

Milyn Jensen: I’ve just hosted parties, and with that, they always want me to get on the mic. I’m just a face. You’re just supposed to look at me [laughing].

Urban Grandstand Digital: I’ve really enjoyed talking to you this evening. You seem like a really cool person.

Milyn Jensen: I am [laughing]..

Urban Grandstand Digital: But you know what I mean though. In researching and whatnot, there’s so much negativity out there. You almost don’t really know what to think. Talking to you, listening to your dreams, and things you’re working on, it’s clear that you’re really a cool person. Is there anything else that you really want us to get out there?

Milyn Jensen: I think everything is pretty much out there [laughing]. There’s no secrets with me. Not even secrets, but like you said, you research, and of course there’s things that are totally false. No one’s ever going to know what’s really me, and at the end of the day, I don’t really care what people think because it doesn’t affect my happiness. So it’s like, sorry about my language, and if you want to believe it, you do, and if not, you don’t.