UpcycleYour Life Volume One | Page 11

easy ways to reduce your waste

1 Take your canvas bag to the supermarket (get one

from Transition Loughborough at Upcycle Your

Life in october or december)

2 Carry your own insulated coffee mug for coffee.

3 Carry a straw and cutlery to avoid single use


4 Take a shopping list and plan meals to avoid

creating food waste.

5 serve small portions or 'family style' meals where

people help themselves to reduce 'plate waste'.

6 Do a fridge audit each week or month to keep

track of food you throw away. adjust shopping


7 Freeze bread if you have space. Use old bananas in cake/pancakes and put wilted salad in fridgetata.

8 Raid your recycling box for crafting materials

9 go foraging for food to cut food miles (read the

Foraging code and leave some for wildlife too.)

10 Don't buy things you don't need. Zero Waste living can save you a fortune as well as helping the planet. love the world: love life!