UNSW Global 2019 Student Guide UNSW Global 2019 Student Guide - English | Page 38

ENGL IS H L A NGUAGE COUR S E S HAV E YOU RECEI V ED A CONDI T IONAL OF F ER F ROM UNS W ? UNIVERSIT Y ENGLISH ENTRY COURSE (UEEC) Our University English Entry Course (UEEC) has been developed specifically for students who need to meet the UNSW English language entry requirements. You will experience outstanding preparation for your university studies. YOUR PATHWAY You can package your UEEC and UNSW degree program under one visa which covers the entire period of study. E SSEN T IAL AC ADE M IC ENGL ISH (IF REQUIRED) “ Learning English was a life-changer for me. I am very thankful to the UEEC at UNSW Global because that was the starting point for several opportunities and programs from UNI V ERSI T Y ENGL ISH EN T RY COURSE (UEEC ) (10, 15 OR 20 W EEK S) other nations and organisations. Indeed, it is valuable to learn another language, mainly English, if someone wishes to be truly global and get involved in worldwide initiatives. ” L UI Z , BR A Z IL UNS W DEGREE Univ e r s i t y E ngl i s h E n t r y Cour s e ( UEEC ) Why study UEEC ? Cour se Content • Your pass grade in the UEEC qualifies you to enter UNSW without taking another English test. You will learn to: • UEEC provides an outstanding preparation experience for academic study at UNSW. • Listen to and process authentic lectures, discussions and media reports • The course is based on authentic UNSW lectures, readings and assessment task types. • Give academic presentations in your discipline • Use established academic conventions • Participate effectively and confidently in academic discussions • Read authentic university level texts • Produce complex essays, case study analyses and reports F OR T HE E X I T SCORE P L E A SE SEE PAGE 4 6 • Use independent learning strategies. aud $560 per week (2019 t uit i on f ee s) S ampl e t i me t abl e avai l abl e at uns wgl obal .uns w.edu.au/engli sh-l anguage-cour se s/ueec 36