UNSW Global 2019 Student Guide UNSW Global 2019 Student Guide - English | Page 26

DIP L OM A P R OGR A M S ACADEMIC ENTRY REQUIREMENTS To be eligible to enrol in a UNSW Science or Engineering Diploma Program, you must complete High School or an equivalent qualification, though forecast results may be accepted on application and in advance of completing High School. The Academic Entry Requirements listed below are a guide only. If you have any questions, please contact your agent or contact us through our website unswglobal.unsw.edu.au/diploma QUA L IF IC AT ION ENGINEERING DIP L OM A S C IENC E DIP L OM A UNSW Foundation Studies 7.0 6.4 Australia (ATAR) 75 70 ACT (American College Testing) 22 20 Bangladesh * 80% (average of five best subjects) 75% (average of five best subjects) Brazil * 8.5/B Average (of six best subjects) 8.0/B Average (of six best subjects) Britain (GCE A-Levels) * 6 (D average of 2-4 best subjects) 5 (D average of 2-4 best subjects) Cambodia * A/B Average (of four best subjects) B Average (of four best subjects) Canadian BC 3 (average) 2.8 (average) Canadian OSSD 75 (average of six best subjects) 68 (average of six best subjects) Chile * 6.5 (average of six best subjects) 6.0 (average of six best subjects) China (GaoKao) 70% 65% German Abitur 2.5 (average of four best subjects) 3.0 (average of four best subjects) HKDSE (Hong Kong) 14 (3 average of five best category A) 13 (2/3 average of 5 best category A) International Baccalaureate * 25 (total of six best subjects) 24 (total of six best subjects) India (AISSC) B2 average (of four best subjects) C1 average (of four best subjects) India (ISC) 78% (A/B average of 3 best subjects) 75% (A/B average of 3 best subjects) Indonesia * 8 (average of four best subjects) 7 (average of four best subjects) Iran (Konkur) * 15 (average of four best subjects) 13 (average of four best subjects) Japan (Upper Sec) * 75% (average of four best subjects) 70% (average of four best subjects) Japan (National) 53 (average best six Hensachi scores) 50 (average best six Hensachi scores) Kenya * 65 (average of seven best subjects) 60 (average of seven best subjects) Korean CSAT 300 300 Korean NUAT * 12 (total of best four subjects) 14 (total of best four subjects) Korean Yr.12 * 80% (average of four best subjects) 80% (average of four best subjects) Macau * 80% (average of four best subjects) 75% (average of four best subjects) Malaysia (STPM) C+/C average (of four best subjects) C average (of four best subjects) Malaysia (UEC) B4 average (of five best subjects) B4 average (of five best subjects) Middle East (Saudi, UAE) * 90% (average of four best subjects) 90% (average of four best subjects) Myanmar * 85% (average of four best subjects) 80% (average of four best subjects) Nepal * 85% (average of five best subjects) 80% (average of five best subjects) New Zealand 80 (>= 65 at Level 3 and <=20 at Level 2) 70 (>= 60 at Level 3 and <=20 at Level 2) Norway 3 (average of five best subjects) 2 (average of five best subjects) Pakistan * 880 800 Philippines * 85% (average of four best subjects) 85% (average of four best subjects) Russia * 4.5 (average of four best subjects) 4.5 (average of four best subjects) SAT 1100 1050 Singapore A-Levels * 9 (max 3 H1, max 3 H2 and max 1 H3 subjects) 8 (max 3 H1, max 3 H2 and max 1 H3 subjects) Sri Lanka A-Levels C/S average (of three best subjects) S average (of three best subjects) Taiwan GSAT * 60 55 Taiwan Senior 3 * 80% (average of four best subjects) 75% (average of four best subjects) Thailand * B average (of six best subjects) B/C average (of six best subjects) Uganda * B/C average (of four best subjects) C/D average (of four best subjects) Vietnam * 30 (total four best subjects) 30 (total four best subjects) (WASSC) West Africa * 6 (total four best subjects) 8 (total four best subjects) Engineering CRICOS Course Code 095863M, Science CRICOS Course Code 095862A 1  In most cases, Year 12 forecast results (Semester 1) are accepted. See qualifications with * symbol. 2  This table is a guide only. For additional qualifications, please enquire at [email protected] 3  Additional prerequisites in mathematics and science may apply. 4  If you are eligible for direct entry to the same program at UNSW you may not be admitted to the Diploma program. 24