unperceived existence unperceived existence Issue 4: Sarah Edmondson | Page 24

On agreeing to take part the performer is posted an equipment pack

containing most of the materials needed to recreate the environment

of XXXII and a set of instructions, guiding her through setting up and

how to take part in the performance. In doing so the artist is

completely handing over her work and concept to the performer and

there must therefore be a level of trust between the two women. This

raises interesting issues around the ownership and copyright of artistic

works and practices. The artist gives the performer very specific

instructions on how to create the right environment and the actions

that are to be taken, lighting the candles, blowing them out, making a

wish. However, she cannot dictate how the performer should

experience the work. The performer must agree to document the

performance and return all of the objects in the equipment pack to the

artist. She must also provide a receipt for the cost of buying her own

birthday cake or the cost of the ingredients, as this is an important part

of the preparation process and the receipt is an integral part of the

archival material.