Unnamed Journal Volume 4, Issue 1 | Page 27

Believe it or not, there's a surprising amount of alerts for those. So far, only one has matched the profile of the ones where looking for, and I'm certain that was you two traveling to Australia. Am I right?" "Yeah, that was us." Said Ulysses. "Just so you know, for as fast as those things can move, they're still quite visible on radar. I wouldn't fly that thing unless absolutely necessary. Your craft and the others like it have already drawn the attention of the U.S. military and several of its allies. Probably some of our enemies too." The agent looked at the three frowning young people at the table before he continued. "Another thing to consider: your ship could easily be mistaken for an ICBM, or some other high-powered rocket carrying a nuclear payload, engaging in a preemptive strike. Do I need to spell out what that would mean?" Giles and Ulysses shook their heads. Nera looked puzzled. Ulysses thought intently about the blinding flash and mushroom cloud caused by atomic weapons. He thought about both nuclear fallout and nuclear winter. Nera began to sweat. "Sorry," Ulysses muttered, as he patted her leg. "Well, aside from a rather stern warning about flying the UFO, what else do you have? We already knew most of that. Do you have any idea about how to fight these things?" Giles said. "Our enemy is hidden and could easily stay that way. We don't know if they have access to the same information I'm getting. Now, if she can detect these things within proximity, that helps a little. But we don't know how far she can detect them from." O'Flannery drained the rest of his coffee. "So I think we have little to go on between the four of us right now. That alarms me. I think the longer it takes us to find and deal with these creatures, the more likely it is that more will show up." "You're a cheerful bastard, aren't you, Mr. Special Agent?" Giles said. Ulysses ignored Giles, and said, "Okay so, I'm interpreting what you're saying as, we either need to find a way to quickly detect where the parasites are or we need to find a way to lure them out of