lives fall victim to systemic violence each day. Headlines spread in response to recent events claiming that Black Lives Matter is anti-police or anti-white people, firing back with correction using the hashtags #BlueLivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter. All lives cannot possibly matter while a specific group of people are being treated differently due to the color of their skin. Their interaction with law enforcement is a manifestation of racial disparity that affects every aspect of their live from housing, to access to medical coverage and healthy food to education and impacted prisons. While I understand why some people think that by saying “All Lives Matter” unifies all causes, it actually diverts attention from the issue facing the Black community. We lost two Black people unnecessarily. We did. Black people. We don’t have to remind anyone that all lives matter because everyone else’s life seems to matter more than the Black man or Black woman. If you want to unify and work together then join us by saying that “Black Lives Matter” instead #AltonSterling QUINNÉE ZIMMERMAN of perpetuating division by separating yourself from everyone else. It’s simple things like this that can impact larger change. Spending time justifying your position to a community that is already hurting due to the unashamed violence of the police is insensitive and ignorant. These incidents are fresh and stay fresh like the constant picking of a scab. You want to help? Show that you can stand with us while screaming Black LivesMatter with our fists raised high. Don’t be the person on the soapbox trying to drag attention away by introducing a larger picture when the only pictures we’ve seen all day are photos of dead Black bodies lying in the street or car, bleeding out. All lives cannot possibly matter while a specific group of people are being treated differently due to the color of their skin. All of the attention, protests, poems and videos are great. Conversations of the issues and proactive solutions to shift the narrative to go beyond police brutality and tackle the larger construct of how Black people are seen and treated in America feels good. But, what happens when the hashtag starts to fall down — pushed out by new, fun things like the release of Pokemon Go? What happens when viral videos stop being circulated? What happens when celebrities stop tweeting about the issues and start promoting their latest film, single or product? What happens when people begin to lose interest in Black lives and fall back into being complacent and content with the dysfunctionality of our justice system? Oh, wait. Nevermind, here comes another hashtag. Am I Nexr? DEANNA WOLFE #PhilandoCastile #AltonSterling #MikeBrown #TrayvonMartin #RedelJones #RekiaBoyd #TamirRice #LaquanMcDonald #DontreHamilton #Eric Garner #CharlesKinsey #BreaionKing #JohnCrawfordIII #EzellFord #TanishaAndeson #DanteParker #AkaiGurley #RumainBrisbon # JerameReid # TonyRobinson #PhillipWhite #EricHarris #SandraBland #WalterScott #FreddieGray # KajiemePowell #TyreeWoodson #YvetteSmith #JordanBaker #ChristianTaylor #KimaniGray #AiyanaJones #DeEscalateDontKill