University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries Magazine 2018 Fall Libraries Magazine | Page 40

L I B R A R I E S Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Madison, WI Permit No. 658 University of Wisconsin–Madison 330D Memorial Library 728 State Street Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Coming in 2019 Aldo Leopold: Life, Land, Legacy Go Paperless View all the Libraries issues electronically at or sign up to receive the e-version: [email protected] An Exhibition of the Aldo Leopold Archives January 22 through May 24, 2019 Department of Special Collections, Ninth Floor of Memorial Library This first-ever large-scale exhibit of the Aldo Leopold Papers at the University of Wisconsin–Madison explores Leopold’s life and work and the impact Leopold had on the fields of ecology and conservation, and on the state of Wisconsin. The exhibit will feature archival materials such as Leopold’s drafts for A Sand County Almanac, notebooks and field notes, correspondence, photographs, and personal artifacts. Aldo Leopold’s papers came to the UW–Madison Archives in several installments beginning in the early 1960s. They were fully digitized between 2007 and 2009 and are available freely online through UW Digital Collections.