Universal Magazine November 2018 Universal Magazine November 2018 | Page 8

8 Life Transformation Challenging A POWERFUL BUT UNDERUSED FORM OF ENERGY a negative past! O Shanami Brown had a turbulent past. Her father’s absence affected her tremendously. She longed for love and looked for it in all the wrong places. The quest to fill this void led her down an unexpected road and an even bigger unexpected challenge. Read below to find out how she managed to change her story. ‘M y dad left us when I was I very young and coming to terms with this made me feel really down. As a consequence, I found myself living to please people, hoping that would make them love me, but I was always left rejected and disappointed. My emptiness led me to many short-term relationships. Between the ages of 18 and 20, I was in two abusive relationships. One of the worst moments was when I was strangled on my own living room floor, but, despite this, I still stayed because I thought, “This is the only love I can get”. But, one day, a friend introduced me to the Universal. I attended the meetings regularly because I found something different there. I decided to apply everything I was learning – things such as rejecting every negative thought that came to my mind and fighting my doubts. My main doubts were about if I was good enough. But the meetings I attended helped me to overcome my past through the power of faith and the people that I met there were amazing. It was good to know that I wasn’t alone and there were people who had gone through similar things to me and had overcome them. Not everything was easy. While trying to turn my life around, I faced many doubts. I would think things such as: “Is my life ever going to change?” “Am I really going to make it?” But then I was invited to take part in the Challenge of Faith. Through this challenge, I was able to find a strength inside me that I never knew existed. That power allowed me to finally overcome my past traumas, insecurities and weak mindset. I no longer feel the immense void inside. Today, I’m happy and I love myself!’ Shanami Brown ‘RETURNING TO THE UNIVERSAL was my best decision’ Winfred Vumba had been attending the Universal from a young age; however, life’s circumstances caused her to leave the church as a teenager. A few years later, seeing what her life had come to, she decided to come back. This is her story. ‘I felt very lonely growing up; I thought nobody genuinely cared about me. When I was 16 and in a relationship, I decided to leave the church. Everything was going well for me until, one day, I was physically violent towards my former boyfriend. It was at this point that I decided to return to the church. I was 19, heartbroken, full of insecurities and angry towards myself and everyone. Though the messages I was hearing were good and I wanted to take God seriously, I was not in a good place in my life, so at first, I wasn’t fully committed ne of the ways to measure the progress of mankind through the ages is to observe how it progressively discovered and learned to make use of the various forms of energy available. Starting with its muscle strength and animals, then fire, wind, coal, gas, oil, electricity and many others, mankind’s progress is directly connected to the discovery and use of these energies. Without them, life, as we know it today, would not exist. You pay your bills every month in order to have some of these energies in your house because you need them. You cannot imagine yourself without them and would do anything to have them. Yet, unfortunately, there is a powerful type of energy, of which only a few have knowledge and have learned to use properly, FAITH. to my faith. Eventually, things began to click. I heard that God was good, that He would forgive me, regardless of my past, and the messages then started appealing to me, as they gave me hope when I felt my life was in a complete and utter rut’. She made the decision to say goodbye to her past and to bad company. She thought that by doing that and starting to attend the church frequently, her life would automatically improve; however, soon she saw that to find the inner peace she wanted, she would need to do more.