Universal Creativity May 2015 Issue | Page 24

I awoke as Polly. Outside it was starting to get light. The events of last night came flooding back to me. In a tearful rage I ran into the back ripping off Enid’s uniform and throwing it on to the floor. I wanted rid of her. The thought of her made my skin crawl. She had broken my trust. At the kitchen sink I scrubbed my entire body till it was covered in angry red marks. After cleansing myself I put on my faithful black wig. Relief flooded over me. Polly was back. I tried to block out the nagging voice in my head. It was telling me that something was very wrong. Enid was out of control. Something had to be done about her. She spoke to me whilst I was serving table no.4 with burgers and fries. The diner had been busy all day with a steady stream of customers. It was nearly time for her to come on for her waitress shift. “Why haven’t you done something with the body Polly?” she asked. I ignored her. “Polly talk to me. You need to get rid of the body” Enid barked making me jolt with fright. I glanced at the old truck sat in the parking lot. “Polly you know that you are the weak one. Stop this silly behaviour now!” Enid shouted.