Universal Creativity 1 | Page 9

Chapter 1: An Odd Treasure

The peaceful world of Carlon at dusk from orbit showed a planet not of great oceans but of massive lakes surrounded by green then into the browns and beiges of desert. It was a Human world with a colony of Elves which was suddenly surrounded by an armada of ships floating above and making a rapid descent on the planet.

The ships of the Darkcons, vessels of wood and steel surrounded by enchanted bubbles for space travel were high above the planet, just came from the magical gates or divine paths as they are known. These paths linked the worlds of the known universe together.

The first thousand ships were made exclusively of wood and crystal. They were sailing ships with masts and sails. The next thousand ships were forged from iron and steel and they left a trail of black dust in their wake from their funnels due to the smoke the funnels were outside the bubbles. The last ships and the fewer are of all manner of materials. These were not sailing vessels they were flying machines. They were meant to fly in the skies of enemy worlds terrorizing with rain of fire and bullets down upon them.

An immediate order, when they were all around the planet, was to go forward and secure the planet. It was issued by the dark Queen herself, Laxur, who was on the planet with her personal guard of werewolves and other dark creatures headed up by another wolf, General Obsidian. In pale Human form, He was seven foot four inches tall man with grey tufts of fur and deep black eyes.

Laxur’s personal bodyguard was a Fallen Angel named Dari. She was immense, eight feet six inches tall, golden muscular with short white blonde hair and green eyes.

The two of them were dressed in the Darkcon uniform for the Queen of double-breasted black leather jackets with matching black pants and boots.

The Darkcon Queen was dressed in her uniform but had a cape and a large circlet of gold with black diamonds. She looked around the landscape with her glittering emerald eyes. She was terrifyingly gorgeous with her stunning hourglass figure gotten from her Human mother as well as full lips, and emerald green eyes. Her blue-black thick hair, height of six feet and the wings that tucked tight into her body, unseen, was from her Angelic father. She was called a siren because she could lure any male to do her bidding. There were a great many males as well as females fought for

her favors at court. The most telling were those that opposed her, once exposed to her sought out her smile.

She was a terrifying enemy with her beauty, deadly purpose, and magical powers.

Laxur and her generals arrived minutes earlier using the queen’s ability to create a portal and arrived before the fleet.

The Supreme War Master, General Sysu, a female Vampire with long black hair streaked white braided out of the way, walked over the world seeing the planet with cold pale blue eyes. She was speaking to every other general to coordinate the attack by radio. She spoke in a harsh voice as she walked slightly behind her Queen. She was ancient yet looked like she was a young woman. She was arrogant with most beings due to her age except with her.

Queen whom she cared for since Laxur came to the Darkcon worlds.

The general was known for her bravery on the battlefield as well as her odd sense of humor. Her soldiers were a combination of other races such as Trolls, Fallen Angels, Dark Elves, Corrupt Humans and Goblins.