Universal Creativity 1 | Page 30


According to Keith Martin- Smith, traditional publishing is :


not cost effective

out dated



and short lived!!!!!


Because digital publishing allows authors to create and upload their works faster in a cost effective way. Meaning that digital books published earn the authors either all or just about all their royalties towards each book sold.

Traditional costs more for authors than having a digital copy of their books sold online. Online provides their books to be sold everywhere and allows easier access to read and download the author's books.

Outdated is due to the fact that our world is now a digital enhanced world bringing the latest technology to everyone all over the globe. Whereas traditonal publishing you can only reach a few. Tradtional publishing takes a longer time because of the printing and then distributing. Digital publishing takes only a few minutes to create, or upload your work to be published and distributed very easily and faster.

Paper books are short lived. For example Harlequin no longer prints out the Bombshell Edition of Harlequin books anymore.