Universal Creativity 1 | Page 14

Be calm. I am removing the bullet and cauterizing the wound, Asora. I will attempt to knit some of the muscle together. It will hurt.” the Darkcon Queen informed the Utopian princess.

“I will anesthetize the wound and spell your pain, Highness.” Sarea adds her hand over Laxur’s to help with the magical surgery.

Laxur suddenly snatched up her hand as the bullet flew up. She threw it down and quickly put her hands back as the blood spurted out. Asora moaned only as she fell into the spell Sarea put on her to sleep.

Jeia, terrified, was turning as ashen as his sister. “For the Maker’s sake, hurry!”

“I am going carefully, knitting as fast as I can. You need to understand, this is only an emergency patch. Asora will need a lot more care and she will need a lot of blood when you get her home. I am doing what I can so that your healers will have an easier time. If they do their jobs right she should not have a scar.” She looked up at Jeia for a split second.Laxur looked deep into the wound with her magic and saw that she had stopped the bleeding. She could have wept seeing Asora like this. She was such a strong and passionate young woman. The princess was still young and she was glad that the she would live to see another day.

The admiral watched as the queen working furiously with her magic and mind. He admired her quick action and dexterous motions. She was fantastic to watch. The healers on Evorn could learn a lot from her. She was an exceptional woman but he could not forget that she was a dangerous woman as well.

Sarea looked down at the suffering princess and the desperate queen. She then looked at the hated Darkcon bodyguard and turned on her saying, “you bitch! You did this to a greater woman than you will ever be or your boss!”

Sarea then charged at the Fallen Angel. The size difference between the women alone was enough to make anyone nervous. Dari was easily three times Sarea’s size. Her opening move, the princess’s bodyguard jumped into the air and thrusted a foot into her opponent’s stomach; however things did not go as the Utopian would have liked. She hit the giant Fallen Angel’s stomach as hard as she could, but Dari’s muscular body made it seem like that it was a brick wall and not flesh.

the Utopian would have liked. She hit the giant Fallen Angel’s stomach as hard as she could, but Dari’s muscular body made it seem like that it was a brick wall and not flesh.

Sarea was forced backwards with Dari laughing at her. “I barely felt that little girl. Got any other tricks?”

“Yes, this, you nine hundred pound gorilla!” Sarea got back up. This time she went after the giant Fallen Angel’s leg tendons. With one powerful hit Sarea came in low below and she struck. Dari grunted and fell to her knees. Again Sarea punched Dari in the back of her head and a swift kick into her back.

Dari now grabbed hold of Sarea’s long hair and with a strong tug forcing the littler warrior to her back. Dari walked on her knees over to Sarea and punched her in the stomach, and the armor she wore shattered like glass. The Human warrior puked up blood from the powerful punch. Then with all her strength the Human warrior slammed both of her fists on either size of the bigger female warrior’s head. It had a dizzying effect on the big woman.

The female Utopian warrior rolled over to her stomach and crawled away until she was well enough to stand again.

Dari came at Sarea again, but this time she let the big woman pick her up. As she was lifted her up, the pain riddled Human girl spied another gun holstered to Dari’s left. It was a bigger handgun. The Utopian grabbed hold of it and yanked it out pointed it at the Fallen Angel’s face. Dari dropped Sarea to the ground, and she staggers to her feet. Holding her stomach, the Utopian female warrior pointed the magnum handgun at Dari.

“Back off you oversized whore before I put a couple of slugs into your guts,” Sarea threatened. Dari backed away slowly from Sarea’s shaking hand. The Darkcon woman knew that a gun bearer with a shaking hand was a very dangerous one.

“Alright.” Laxur oblivious to what the bodyguards were doing was sweating from the efforts of using so much of