Universal Creativity 1 | Page 11

matched her long flowing gown. The young Human/Angel woman had cast an enchanted shield to protect them.

Laxur smiled up at her. “Asora. So good to see you. It has been ages. How is Mother?”

The Princess looked down at her foe and keeping the shield up she shouted back, “Laxur! What the name of the Maker do you think you are doing? This world is under the protection of the Grand Utopian Kingdom!”

A black man of middle years with a scar reaching from his ear to his chin, wearing a much decorated wool red jacketed and blue trouser uniform near the shield sneered, “Supreme War Master General Sysu! Why am I not surprised?” He was holding a big handgun pointed at the Vampire.

The harshness left the generals face and she said in a seductively humorous tone, “hello buttercup! I am surprised to see you. What are you doing here?”

The man smiled back with bright white teeth that looked like he would take a bite out of the Vampire replied, “Charming as always and it is Supreme Commander Admiral Yane.”

The Vampire clapped slowly. “Supreme Commander Admiral Yane? You mean a Human is allowed to be in a place of power? Amazing. So things have changed with the new princess. Congratulations. Last time we met was Irison when we had that little dust up between the colonists. You were a simple admiral with little prospects, not being an Elf and all.”

The man frowned. “Your people had no rights to that continent and you knew that! As usual, you are over stepping your bounds, General Sysu. Take your troops and get out!”

“Oh Buttercup, oops, that is Supreme Admiral Buttercup. You have missed me. I am touched,” Sysu purred cruelly.

“You are touched, in the head.” He looked at Laxur. “As always you are in over your head and in violation of the peace treaties.”

Sysu looked annoyed. “You have to know that you are surrounded, out numbered. You may carry a gun but you are the only one. I suggest, before you get hurt, Buttercup that you surrender.”

Yane immediately snapped back. “We will not surrender! You have no rights to this planet. Get out!”

Laxur walked up to the shield and raised her head to look at the princess. “No, this world is mine, as to treaties, the treaty I am operating under states, with the last king of your kingdom, I get rid of the raiders around this area of the border. This was one of their strongholds and I intend to keep it out of their hands.”

“What are you talking about? I heard nothing of this! This world is under my protection as well!” Duke Jeia, a young determined man marched up to Laxur almost to Asora’s shields. He wore a long coat and pants of brown wool. He was tall at six foot one inch. He was leanly muscular with brownish black curly hair and deep brown eyes.

“And Jeia is here! Good. I heard that this factory was yours. Giving our sister a tour? Perhaps you would like to give me a tour as your new landlord,” Laxur greeted wickedly to Jeia.

“Laxur-”Jeia started to say.

“Queen Laxur!” Obsidian growled.

The laser that was on a table beside her distracted the dark beauty. “Enough!” She tapped it. “This is a pretty toy.”

“That is my property, Queen Laxur.” Jeia dragged his hands through his black curly hair and stared with dark brown eyes into her deep green ones.

“Of course it is not, at least not anymore. It is now property of the Darkcon Empire and I am the Empire so it belongs to me.” She ran her finger over the laser.

“Ah! You cannot do this!” The duke turned to his monarch. “Princess!”

The blue-black haired Queen called up to the Princess. “Yes, Asora what are you doing up there? Come down and we will talk.”

The dark haired princess shook her head. “You still have weapons trained at my people. I am not a fool.”

“I see. You do not trust me.” Laxur looked around and nodded her head. The soldiers put their weapons down at their sides. She turned to look up at Asora and sighed. The princess was so young and earnest, just seventeen. It was really too bad. Laxur was five years older but felt a hundred and was a more powerful witch. She was going to have to use that power against the young woman, no doubt about that but she