Unfazed Magazine Winter 2017 - Ones to Watch | Page 15

Whydidyouchose " ThePoisonIKep " as thetitle ? Ithoughtaboutcalingitsomethingelse , but “ The PoisonIKep ” alwaysmadeitswaytothetopof thelist . Thatsonginparticularisthemost catharticsongI ' veeverwriten . Itbringsrealy powerfulemotionoutofme . Itonlysemed apropriatetonamethewholealbumafterit .
Howdoesthiscolectionofsongsdifer fromyourpreviousrecordings ? IfyouevergivemyfirstEPalisten , thediference ispretystark ( atleasttome ). Iwasbiginto writingsongsfortheukulele , theywereprobably alitlemore # relatable , andtheyweredefinitely light-hearted . Althatistotalyfine ! Irealylike thosesongs ! Theyjustcamefromaverydiferent person .“ ThePoisonIKep ” wasalsomyfirst experiencerealyputingsomesolidefortinto creatinganalbum . IwasflyingtoUtahtorecord withmybestfriends . Ievenrecordedinastudio sometimes , whichislegitweird , becauseIcome fromaYouTubebackground . I ' lalwaysbemaking stufoutofmybedrom , butthiswasabiger experience .
Photographer : YveteAispuro
Whichsongtokthelongesttocreate andwhy ? " ThisEndsHere " wasdefinitelythehardesttoput together . Wetokitinsomanydiferentdirections beforesetlingonanything , andpersonaly , Icould stilseitgoingsomanymoredirections . Idon ' t knowwhatitisaboutthatsong . Wespentabout2 andahalfyearsonthealbum , andwewere makingchangestothatsongfromthebeginingto theend .
What ' snextforyou ? Project-wise , Ihaveacoupleofnewsongs debutinginseparateshortfilms , I ' mproducinga weklymusicpodcastcaledTheLivingRom Podcast , andI ' mgetingbacktoYouTube ! WhatI ' mrealytryingtodoisfigureouthow beinganartistcancontributetoworldprogresin amaterialway , becauseIdon ' twanttomakeany sortofcareroutoflivingformyselfand whatevertherapyIgetoutofmusic . Forrightnow , I ' lkepcreatingatmyownpace , andIhaveto
justsewherethattakesme . T

Whydidyouchose " ThePoisonIKep " as thetitle ? Ithoughtaboutcalingitsomethingelse , but “ The PoisonIKep ” alwaysmadeitswaytothetopof thelist . Thatsonginparticularisthemost catharticsongI ' veeverwriten . Itbringsrealy powerfulemotionoutofme . Itonlysemed apropriatetonamethewholealbumafterit .

Howdoesthiscolectionofsongsdifer fromyourpreviousrecordings ? IfyouevergivemyfirstEPalisten , thediference ispretystark ( atleasttome ). Iwasbiginto writingsongsfortheukulele , theywereprobably alitlemore # relatable , andtheyweredefinitely light-hearted . Althatistotalyfine ! Irealylike thosesongs ! Theyjustcamefromaverydiferent person .“ ThePoisonIKep ” wasalsomyfirst experiencerealyputingsomesolidefortinto creatinganalbum . IwasflyingtoUtahtorecord withmybestfriends . Ievenrecordedinastudio sometimes , whichislegitweird , becauseIcome fromaYouTubebackground . I ' lalwaysbemaking stufoutofmybedrom , butthiswasabiger experience .


WhatI ' mr e allytryingt o d o is figureouthowbeinganartist cancontribu t etowo rldp rogressinamaterialway

Photographer : YveteAispuro

Whichsongtokthelongesttocreate andwhy ? " ThisEndsHere " wasdefinitelythehardesttoput together . Wetokitinsomanydiferentdirections beforesetlingonanything , andpersonaly , Icould stilseitgoingsomanymoredirections . Idon ' t knowwhatitisaboutthatsong . Wespentabout2 andahalfyearsonthealbum , andwewere makingchangestothatsongfromthebeginingto theend .

What ' snextforyou ? Project-wise , Ihaveacoupleofnewsongs debutinginseparateshortfilms , I ' mproducinga weklymusicpodcastcaledTheLivingRom Podcast , andI ' mgetingbacktoYouTube ! WhatI ' mrealytryingtodoisfigureouthow beinganartistcancontributetoworldprogresin amaterialway , becauseIdon ' twanttomakeany sortofcareroutoflivingformyselfand whatevertherapyIgetoutofmusic . Forrightnow , I ' lkepcreatingatmyownpace , andIhaveto

justsewherethattakesme . T

Twenteen 14