Understanding Self-Worth and Self-Hate April 2022 | Page 21


Seek a relationship with God.

Knowing that God loves and respects you is the the most firm foundation to self-respect that you can find. God truly knows us and still loves us, even when we can't see anything lovable about ourselves. Through a relationship with God, you can find a confidence and a peace in life that is beyond our understanding. Reading scriptures, praying to ask Him for help, and talking to others who believe in His love are good ways to maintain a relationship with Him. If you don't know where to start on #10, reach out to one of our Hope Coaches to chat about it further.

Don’t be overwhelmed and think you need to achieve all 10 of the items on this list today! Focus on just one or two of them to get started and see if your perspective changes, then keep going.

You can do it!