Understanding Self-Worth and Self-Hate April 2022 | Page 17

Practice gratitude as a weapon against self-hatred.


Studies show that people who dwell on the positive things in their life, things for which they are grateful, are usually much happier than those who don’t. Negative thoughts and worry happen to everyone, but dwelling on them can make you miserable and exhausted.

Challenge yourself to reflect on something you are grateful for that day. Maybe you enjoyed delicious pancakes for breakfast, a smile from a friend, or some nice weather. It could be something as simple as the color of the grass, or a good grade on a quiz. You could even take a picture of something each day that makes you happy or feel grateful. Over time, you can look back and see these things again, which might be a huge help on a day when you're struggling with negativity. Once you get into the habit of looking for things to appreciate in life, you’ll be surprised how quickly your attitude begins to change.


Learn to get control over your emotions.

Emotions can be overwhelming! That's why babies and little kids cry and throw tantrums. Sometimes, we need to let our feelings out, but as we mature, we need to learn to manage our emotions healthily. When we let them out in rash, damaging ways, we can end up regretting our words and actions, feeling embarrassed, and destroying relationships. All of that can hurt your self-respect.