Understanding Depression | Page 9

If you suspect a depressed friend or loved one is suicidal, talk with them about it in a non judgmental, loving way. Offer support by letting them know you are there for them, listen thoughtfully and be gentle but persistent . Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, and is never the answer to depression. Here are some tips to encourage someone dealing with depression:

● Check up on them often, and invite them to hang out or to

do an activity you both enjoy.

● Give your friend or loved one this suicide hotline number

to reach out for help if they are dealing with suicidal

thoughts: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


● Write your friend or loved one an encouraging note, letting

them know you care about them and they are not alone.


If you’ve noticed a friend or loved one acting unusual and suspect they may be depressed, these are common signs to look for:

● Your friend doesn’t want to do things you both love to do

● Your friend starts using drugs and/or alcohol

● Your friend stops going to classes and after school activities

● Your friend talks about being bad, ugly, stupid or worthless

● Your friend stays alone a lot of the time

● Your friend talks about death or suicide