Underground Vision Nov 1, 2014 | Page 3

We know that the Republican and Democratic parties have agendas. How does this differ with the Independent party?

The Independent American Party also has an agenda. It is called The United States Constitution. We have a constitution, a platform and 15 Principles of Good Government by which we function. I would encourage everyone to do a search: Independent American Party dot org. I believe wholeheartedly that you will love what you find there, that you will be strengthened and fortified and discover Founding Father principles – the only principles which will restore America to her greatness. Your hope will be restored.

Let us know what you stand for? Tell us your views on some of the issues you would like to change?


pledge my service to you in:

• Upholding the U.S. and Utah Constitutions as the supreme law of the land defending life, liberty and property

• Working toward state control of our lands through nullification

• Supportig local law enforcement against federal intrusion and control

• Working toward returning education to parental, local and state control

• Holding elected and appointed officials accountable to their oaths

• Reducing the size of government

• Repealing the 17th Amendment to restore a balance of power to Utah

• Working to restore rights and powers to the people

Who Is your opponent at this time?

I am not running against anyone. I am running for the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence.

Cheryl Hawker is the Democratic candidate also running for House District 75, and Don Ipson is the Republican candidate.

How long have they held the seat?

Don Ipson was elected in 2008.

Tell the world why you are a better candidate?


1. I will vote for the Constitution 100% of the time.

2. I will read and study bills before voting on them.

3. I will put forward legislation which will right the wrongs that have been taking place for many years – such as repealing the 17th Amendment – giving power back to the states so that we are not continually being taken over by the Federal Government.

4. I will continue to be a student of the


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Click this link To see who is running in your area

Independent American Party.com.


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