Ukraine Ukraine | Page 11

Emigration from Ukraine to Poland - interview.

Ukrainians emigrated to Poland to find job or live with their family. Now from Ukraine emigrated about 17 000 people. In Poland their earn more and they are seciurity.

We take an interwiew with student who emigraited from Ukraine.

We: How long ago did you come to live in Poland?

Student: In 2011 year.

W: Who came to Poland with you?

S: I came here with my mum- she is Ukrainian and my stepfather- he is Polish.

W: Do you feel you are more Polish or Ukrainian?

S: Be Ukrainian is important for me. I was born Ukrainian so I want be him.

W: What is meaning for you that you are Ukrainian?

S: At started I don't appreciate my country, but when I saw that Ukrainians protect our country I was proud. I was never want to change my nationality and surname. I am Patriot.

W: Do you keep in touch with your family and frends?

S: Of course I keep in touch with my family. I treat my frends as my family so I keep in touch with they too. We talk on skype everyday.

W: How often do you visit Ukraine?

S: I visit Ukraine about 3-4 themes a year

W: When you arrive to Poland do you know Polish language?

S: No, but I never take any Polish lessons. I learn this language from television or radio.

W: What are the advantage and disadvantage of live in Poland?

S: Poland is in European Union so it's easier to travel to other countries. Poland is richest country than Ukraine. Poland is beautiful. Disadventage is this I am away from my family and frends.

W: Thanks for the interwiew.