Ukraine Ukraine | Page 8


Ukraine is the largest European country.47 million people live in Ukraine,giving it the fifth largest population in Europe. Ethnic Ukrainians constitute 72 percent of Ukraine’s population.Other ethnic groups that are widespread in Ukraine are Russians(22 percent),Belarussians, Poles, Jews, Bulgarians,

Hungarians and Tatars(less than 1 percent each).

The most Ukrainians are Christians(85 percent).Other Ukrainians are Protestants(3 percent),Сatholics(about 2 percent),Muslims,Jews (less than 1 percent) and other.Ukrainians are friendly and generous people,who like to joke and spend free time with their families or friends together.


Ukrainians need to improve their conditions of living. An usual Ukrainian receives about 4000 hryvnia (170 dollars) per month. People in Ukrainian cities live in flats,but inhabitants of villages and small towns mostly have their own houses. People usually buy products and food in shops or markets.