UKAR ARena Issue 10: Autumn 2015 | Page 4

UKAR ARENA | A NEWSLETTER FOR DEBT ADVISORS | AUTUMN 2015 | ISSUE 10 | UKAR-ARENA.CO.UK JOINED UP WORKING. A partnership approach to ongoing success by Richard Banks, UKAR CEO. Since our formation in October 2010, UKAR has been committed to maximising value for the taxpayer whist providing help and support to the customers of NRAM, Bradford & Bingley and Mortgage Express for as long as they remain with us. Helping customers in financial difficulty access the best debt advice for their circumstance is crucial, and working closely with the debt advice industry allows us to do just that. RICHARD BANKS CEO UKAR Now, as we launch our tenth issue of UKAR ARena, it feels appropriate to look back at what we have achieved, on behalf of both customers and taxpayers, and to introduce some of the exciting developments ahead. Proactive Engagement Supporting customers from the first signs of financial difficulty and engaging with them constructively has always been a key focus for us at UKAR. The earlier we find out about potential problems, the more we can do to help. WE REFERRED APPROX 2,200 CUSTOMERS TO NOT-FOR-PROFIT DEBT ADVICE WE MADE 23,000 ARRANGEMENTS TO PAY 4 That’s why we take a proactive approach to debt management, engaging with customers who are experiencing financial difficulty but also with those showing signs that they may struggle to cope in the future. Our most recent pro-active campaign encouraged customers to think about and plan for when interest rates begin to rise, to ensure they are in a position to maintain their payments. Since January this year, we have mailed more than 35,000 customers who we believe might struggle if rates were to rise by one percent. As a result, approximately 11% of those contacted have started making regular overpayments to limit the impact when rates do rise. Following the campaign we have also seen £50m of redemptions from customers who may have found a better deal with another lender, such as a fixed rate – something we are unable to offer. Reducing Arrears For those who are struggling we are always looking for new ways to offer help and support, either from our dedicated Customer Assistance teams or by referral to third party, impartial debt advice. In the last financial year (1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015) we made 23,000 ‘arrangements to pay’ and referred around 2,200 customers to our not-for-profit debt advice partners. Our year end results, to March 2015, also demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach as the number of mortgage accounts three or more months in arrears reduced by 23% and the number of new repossessions fell by 43% from the previous year. At the end of March 2015, 60% of accounts one month or more in arrears were in an arrangement to pay and encouragingly 75% of these customers maintained their arrangement. “WE WORK CLOSELY WITH THE DEBT ADVICE INDUSTRY TO PROMOTE FINANCIAL STABILITY AND AWARENESS.” Value for the Taxpayer Helping customers manage their finances, whether it be re-mortgaging elsewher K