UISG's Newsletter | Page 9

October 2017

A Message from our Head of Secondary – Mr. Robert Service

Welcome to the inaugural whole school newsletter.

For me publishing a whole school newsletter is a step back in time. Although this newsletter is digital the intent is to do what school newsletters of old did - they brought the school community closer together by sharing what

Message from Robert Service - Head of Secondary

Year 7 in Hong Kong

Year 8 discover Dali

Year 9 in Fujian

Year 10 explore Beijing

Year 11 and 12 -Skills Week








was happening. For those of us living overseas away from our families, newsletters like this allow us to share a snapshot of what is going on. My mother always looked forward to receiving school newsletters to find out what her grandchildren were doing as well as finding out what her big boy was up to.

For the secondary contribution for this issue, we have shared Camp and Skills Week experiences. The Heads of Year found it challenging to select only a few pictures, but even looking at the faces in these few pictures you can see what a magical opportunity these experiences provide.

In memory of my mother, I'd like to encourage everyone to share this newsletter with grandparents. They deserve to be part of the UISG community too.

Robert Service

Head of Secondary School

Important dates

October 19-20

Varsity Volleyball Teams play in ACAMIS tournament in Beijing

October 24

DP Recital in MFH

October 27

MYP and DP progress reports sent home through ManageBac

November 1

Secondary parent/student/ Teacher Conferences all day in the MFH