UCD Research and Innovation _ Creating Value from Knowledge | Page 23

U N I VE R SI T Y CO L L EG E DU B L I N CR E AT I NG VA LU E FROM K NOW L EDGE International Research Collaboration UCD participates in international research networks Enhancing Academic Impact Ireland 1666 UK 651 Germany 595 France 393 Netherlands 319 Spain 295 Italy 294 Belgium 254 Sweden 175 USA 173 Switzerland 146 Russia 624 Brazil 570 Finland 91 50% average impacts achieved 175 822 651 3,486 Switzerland 709 Austria 108 above average impacts Papers China 798 Denmark 125 100% Funding Awards Ireland 20,078 UK 3,486 USA 2,840 Germany 1,569 France 1,513 Netherlands 1,035 Spain 1,010 Canada 967 Italy 907 Sweden 822 Australia 475 Greece 88 Czech Republic Northern Ireland India 463 Top twenty countries by collaboration on grants above average impacts Articles without collaborators No.Papers Poland 92 Articles with national collaborators 2004–2013 Top twenty countries by co-authorship on papers 2004–2013 No.Grants Articles with international collaborators 87 465 1666 South Korea Czech Republic 65 Belgium 411 Portugal 63 319 1,035 Norway 69 443 Mexico 385 595 1,569 20,078 967 393 1,513 295 1,010 254 294 907 173 2,840 21