UCD Research and Innovation _ Creating Value from Knowledge | Page 12

UCD Academics U N I VE R SI T Y COLLEG E DU BL I N CR E AT I NG VA LU E FROM K NOW L EDGE Professor Emma Teeling DIRECTOR OF THE CENTRE F O R I R I S H B AT R E S E A R C H Emma established the Laboratory of Molecular Evolution and Mammalian Phylogenetics in 2005 and is the recipient of a European Research Council (ERC) starting grant. Professor Walter Kolch D I R E C T O R O F U C D C O N W AY I N S T I T U T E / DIRECTOR OF SYSTEMS BIOLOGY IREL AND Walter is the Director of Systems Biology Ireland (SBI) and Director of the UCD Conway Institute, an interdisciplinary flagship Research Institute for biomolecular and biomedical research. He is an internationally recognised cancer researcher in using systems biology approaches. Professor Barry Smyth D I G I TA L C H A I R O F COMPUTER SCIENCE Barry is an internationally recognised leader in Data Science through his successes in research, innovation and outreach. Under his leadership, the Insight Centre for Data Analytics was established in 2013, through the largest ever single centre award grant of €75m from Science Foundation Ireland (SFI). Dr Barbara Dooley D E A N O F G R A D U AT E S T U D I E S & DEPUTY REGISTRAR Barbara is co-founder of the Youth Mental Health Lab in UCD and Director of Research for Headstrong, the National Centre for Youth Mental Health. Her seminal report ‘My World’ (2012) looked at the mental health of Irish youth aged 12 to 25 examining both risk and protective factors. 10