UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center Magazine Spring 2016 | Page 8

research update

While known for its work with minority and
they are most likely responsible for down-regulating
underserved populations across the United States ,
that inflammatory response among children . “ The
the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center has recently
T-regulatory cell responses likely down-regulate the
taken steps to expand its research efforts globally .
gastric inflammation in children , thereby contributing
As part of this , UAB researchers , led by Cancer
to the markedly reduced incidence of gastroduodenal
Center senior scientist Phillip Smith , M . D ., and
ulcer disease and the absence of gastric cancer in
Catolica University researchers , led by director of
children compared with adults , even though in Chile
pediatric gastroenterology Paul Harris , M . D ., are
both have the same H pylori burden , virulence factor
conducting innovative studies in the South American
prevalence and H pylori genotype ,” Dr . Smith says .
nation of Chile . Much of the work involves the
This raises an interesting question – why do
bacteria known as Helicobacter pylori . H pylori , as it
children have increased gastric T-regulatory cell
is more commonly referred , is the leading cause of
responses that appear to down-regulate inflammatory
gastric cancers worldwide and is also a leading cause of gastric inflammation , ulcers and other malignancies . H pylori colonizes in the stomach and is usually acquired early in childhood . It is much more prevalent in the developing world , particularly in Asia , Africa , certain parts of Eastern Europe and South America .
response ?
Understanding Bacteria
To answer that question , Drs . Smith and Harris and their colleagues are working with the Cancer Center ’ s microbiome research core to examine the
While known for its work with minority and underserved populations

Making a Global Impact : UAB Researcher Leads Innovative Work in Chile

Its presence is more than likely related to hygiene , as studies have shown that improved hygiene in Europe and the United States dramatically decreased H pylori levels in those populations .
In Chile , however , H pylori rates are extremely high , and H pylori-associated gastric cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer-related mortality . While studying H pylori infections , Dr . Smith and his team have made some interesting discoveries .
“ We have discovered that children have a markedly reduced gastric inflammatory response to H pylori compared with that of infected adults , despite living in the same city and even the same area within that city ,” Dr . Smith says . “ We ’ ve also shown that infected children have reciprocally increased T-regulatory cell responses in their stomach mucosa .”
microbiota ( the community of bacteria that live on and inside a human body ) in children and adults in Chile , with and without H pylori infection .
“ We have found that H pylori-infected children harbor a significantly different microbiota than uninfected children , and certain components of that gastric microbiota are different in H pyloriinfected children versus H pylori-infected adults ,” says Dr . Smith . ““ Thus , H pylori infection appears to restructure the gastric microbiota in children and is associated with increased T-regulatory cells in the gastric mucosa . We ’ re very excited about this new information because it suggests that a key difference between the gastric response of children and adults to H pylori infection may involve the accompanying stomach microbiota .”
across the United States , the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center has recently taken steps to expand its research efforts globally .
Those T-regulatory cells are present in significantly
If scientists can understand this interaction among
higher rates in children compared to adults , and
H pylori , microbiota and T-regulatory cells in children ,
12 U A B C O M P R E H E N S I V E C A N C E R C E N T E R # K N O W U A B C C C • U A B . E D U / C A N C E R 13