UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center Magazine E-Edition 2014 | Page 8

inside view

L to R : Austin and Mary-Margaret Brown , Janie and David Brown , Dr . Burt Nabors , Dr . Ed Partridge .

T he UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center would like to thank the following for their generous support of the Neuro-Oncology Research Acceleration Fund .

* Gifts / Pledges of $ 1000 or more received as of September 8 , 2014 .
Mr . and Mrs . J . David Brown , III Mr . and Mrs . James T . Davis Mr . and Mrs . John B . Davis Ms . Kim K . Morgan and Mr . H . Corbin Day Mr . and Mrs . Duane Donner The Goodrich Foundation Mr . and Mrs . Scott Hagood Mr . and Mrs . Bruce C . Henke
Jemison Investment Company , Jemison and Day Families
Ms . Brandi Keller
Mr . and Mrs . James D . Kennedy Mr . and Mrs . Benny M . LaRussa , Jr . Leesar , Inc . Mr . and Mrs . Colin G . Moorhouse Mr . and Mrs . Charles D . Perry , Jr . Point Washington United Methodist Church Ms . Melinda Skinner Ms . Mary Hunter T . Slaton Mr . and Mrs . Selwyn Turner Slaton Mr . and Mrs . Brantley R . Watts Dr . Sandra L . Zahradka and Mr . William T . Mann
8 U A B C O M P R E H E N S I V E C A N C E R C E N T E R