Typical Costs Of Property For Sale Turkey Typical Costs Of Property For Sale Turkey

Typical Costs Of Property For Sale Turkey
Are you interested in property for sale Turkey based ? It ’ s not difficult to understand why . After all , Turkey offers an interesting culture , stunning scenery , and a beautiful climate .
However , you may be wondering how much it ’ ll cost to purchase property in Turkey . This depends on the type of property and
the area where you want to buy a villa or apartment .
What are the one-off expenses for property for sale in Turkey ? Firstly , there is the agency fee , which is three per cent as a standard in Turkey . If an agency charges more than this , you should be wary . You also have the legal fees to factor in . You can expect to pay roughly £ 1,000 for the services of a real estate solicitor .
You also need to be aware of stamp duty , which was previously called Turkey property buying tax . Stamp duty amounts to 4.4 per cent of the property ’ s assessed value . The assessed value will usually come in at about 60 per cent of the purchase price .
The three costs mentioned above – agency fees , legal fees , and stamp duty – are the main added expenses you need to be aware of when it comes to property for sale Turkey wide .