Turistički Svet 78 | Page 123

www.turistickisvet.com pogled na Novi Sad Aleksandar Milutinović is an art photographer, fan of Novi Sad, the city where he was born and raised. That is why his photographs are the most beautiful tourist postcards of Novi Sad. Out of love for his city, he initiated the project "Novi Sad through the lens 365 days" through which he presented his city in all its seasons, from many different angles ... Currently his photos are used by about 1,100 sites worldwide, and his Facebook page has more than 400,000 visitors a week. Alexander's pictures are in all the recent publications of Novi Sad, including the most recent city monograph. Recognizing the quality of this photographer, City Cultural Center named him as the ambassador of culture in the project to candidate Novi Sad for the European Capital of Culture 2021. fotografa, Kulturni centar grada ga je imenovao za ambasadora kulture u projektu kandidature Novog Sada za Evropsku prestonicu kulture 2021. godine. Aktivan je u svim turističkim promocijama, fotografiše hotele, njihove enterijere, uređena dvorišta, salaše, proslave u njima... Kako sam kaže, Novi Sad je samo početak. Planira da proširi svoju fotografsku priču, ne samo na Vojvodinu, već i na celu Srbiju. www.aleksandarmilutinovic.com oktobar / novembar 2016 TURISTIČKI SVET 78123