TUR Mini Magazine Written Conversations Summer Edition | Page 12

to finally prevail . In an instance , at one single press conference , Governor Nixon confirmed what some secretly did not want to believe . A state of emergency was declared and the once simmered tempers began to slowly boil all over again . On one side of town , “ Hands up , Don ’ t Shoot ” echoed throughout streets ; while “ Free Darren Wilson ” was being shouted from the other . The evidence of the racial divide long buried was once again taking center stage .
Racial guards were back up and pleas for peace were asked from everyone ranging from community leaders to President Obama himself . The nation , the community , young and old was ready for what was to come . The National Guard readied their tanks and police forces geared up as news crews began to once again turn on their cameras . The world sat and watched as the decision of no indictment fell from the lips of Prosecutor Robert Mc- Cullough . Mixed emotions scattered throughout as the world took to the streets in unity not just for Michael Brown , but for all of the black lives unjustly lost at the hands of a police officer or person not of color .
Once again we were thrown back onto center stage as the sound of sirens and helicopter blades hovered over us and cameras were once again turned back on . On that cold November night in St . Louis , riots once again swept the streets of Ferguson . Fires burned , shots were fired , and tears flowed as our eyes were once again opened to the very place we lived in . Protect the Police Department ! Protect the court buildings ! Let the businesses in their neighborhoods burn ! We were reminded of how the color of your skin still pays a price . A clear revelation at how the threat of being a black man in America was more dangerous now than ever . We were shown by those who carried power that there will always be moments ; no matter how innocent we may have been during the incident , the outcome and the picture painted will always scream “ thug .” The failure to indict was a reflection into what our ancestors endured when being called names to gain just an ounce of the freedom and rights we are holding so tight to .
As if there could be any more insult added to injury , many white Americans took to the realms of social media and began confessing their crimes to the world . Tweet after tweet , minute after minute , many told of their crimes committed and how the police looked the other way because they didn ’ t bear the burden of being black in America . Crimes from assault , driving under the influence , vandalism and even drug use were plastered across the screen . It was as if the glass ceiling of racism had finally endured enough and shattered right before our eyes . To say shock resonated
10 | Written Conversations The Urban Release