TUR Mini Magazine Written Conversations Summer Edition | Page 10


Aftermath of Ferguson

By : Shadress Denise
Photo Credits : Vernique May - Brand V Photographie

The sirens have somewhat faded . The helicopters flying over an outraged community have disappeared . The news cameras have turned off and all of the celebrities have resumed their normal lives . It seems all that remains are remnants of heartache , injustice and blood once flowing from a young man who sparked a revolution .

It was a normal Saturday afternoon on August 9 , 2014 , in the Ferguson community . Businesses were open and people in the community were moving about as usual on this hot , summer day . All seemed to be okay until a little after 12 p . m . when
shots were fired and a life was taken . Within minutes people left their homes to find a slain body lying in the middle of the street . Police officers immediately assessed the situation and within minutes , more officers arrived on the scene . What seemed to be a slow burning flame for many years had finally been ignited into a wildfire that would no longer be contained . In the push of a button , social media and news stations became flooded with stories and pictures stating a white officer unjustly shot an unarmed black teen .
Hours passed as controversy mounted and Michael Brown laid slain in the middle of the street without cover ; without an ounce of humanity being given to him . The image of his mother screaming and crying , unable to hold her son ’ s body , will forever be imprinted in our minds . As the temperature peaked , anger brewed , crowds grew and one question remained ; where was Darren Wilson ? An unarmed young man was being treated as if his life meant nothing , all the while protecting their own rang loud and clear throughout the community and across the nation . For hours we watched as his body continuously lay on the ground , cops surrounding the scene and not a thought given to possibly covering him up . Night passed and a new day came upon the horizon with the community still seeking and demanding an arrest be made . Pieces of the investigation were fed to both the media and nation as a cover up appeared to be making its way to the surface . Slanderous comments made and opinions flew at the speed of lightning across social
08 | Written Conversations The Urban Release