tt training | Page 9

No computers available for your organization’s learners? No problem. E-learning can also be accessed from tablets and smartphones. This means your learners can be out in the field, on the go even in the most remote locations, and still access learning on the device that’s most convenient for them. _________the speed of Learning Business E-learning can also help your organization adapt at the speed of business. Need to get your sales team up to speed on a new product quickly? With e-learning, you create a course once, often in a matter of hours, and
share it instantly with thousands of users. And when regulators want to see who’s gone through compliance training, sifting through training registrations and attendance sheets can quickly turn into a record- keeping mess. With e-learning, you can automatically track and report on user completions and scores. Empower ____________ Everyone benefits when your organization puts learning into the hands of the people. With elearning, the training team can shift its focus from, 5 “planning and administering traditional classroom training” to, “creating the best possible learning experiences that can be accessed from anywhere”. And with ondemand access, your learners are empowered to perform and grow in their roles— and beyond. Last, but certainly not least, business leaders and managers can dramatically reduce training downtime with elearning, as well as keep everyone focused and productive. In short, elearning empowers people to perform. With all these benefits, it’s no wonder the e-learning industry is growing so rapidly! 9 ©Pixibit Pte Ltd