trueCOWBOYmagazine Sept/Oct 2014 | Page 26

tCmag: Your life has been an amazing jour ney filled with love, ar t, family, compassion, lightness of heart, a joie de vivre and élan vital few ever find. Your bio and resume is five pages long and probably the short version. I gleaned from it that you believe and trust in your decisions with the intention of making your dreams happen and that you are very aware of who you are, holding the reins of your life loosely as you go along its trails fully knowing that the rest, the things of survival: food, clothes, shelter will follow. Would that kind of sum up Barry Corbin? BC: Well, yes, pr etty much. My sur name, Cor bin, is a bastar dazation of an old French name meaning “raven”. Our family crest, in Latin, means, “God Feeds the Raven”. I tell my children and grandchildren, don’t worry about anything cause things always work out, so far. tCmag: When the time comes, how do you want your tombstone to read? BC: Oh heck, I don’t want a tombstone. Just toss my ashes in the ocean cause I am already gone. tCmag: Thank you Mr. Cor bin, you are a tr ue cowboy and a helluva of a fella. BC: Well, I appr eciate that! Foto’s of Barry Corbin courtesy of Harrison Funk. Copyright 2014 Harrison Funk. All rights reserved.