trueCOWBOYmagazine Sept/Oct 2014 | Page 16

In early September, Hansen launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise the $8,000 he needs to produce his part of the museum show opening in mid-November. You can find his campaign on under Blood Rescue. The centerpiece of this campaign is aimed squarely at Hansen’s personal bull’s eye; the S.A.F.E Act. Every supporter at five dollars or more will have their name inscribed on the Blood Rescue Banner Role. This is a twenty-four inch wide piece of Blood Rescue art with the winning grand prix image across the top and every supporter’s name inscribed below. Five copies of this banner will be presented, one each to five different Congressmen just days before the November 7 elections. With enough funding, Hansen will personally present these banners to each of their five home district offices. Two copies will go to the bill’s two sponsors in Congress. Three more copies will be presented to each of the House committee chairs where the S.A.F.E Act sits currently. In addition, Hansen will run advertisements in each of their three House districts urging voters there to demand their representatives support the S.A.F.E Act. “I realize Blood Rescue alone won’t get this bill passed,” says Hansen, “but with enough signatures and a shift in public awareness driven by a powerful visual story we can be part of making this happen.” November’s opening of Season of the Equus will be the largest museum exhibition of equine fine art in recent memory. “This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, a constellation of events gathering to make the perfect storm, the kind that changes everything in its path,” says Hansen. “The S.A.F.E Act is pending in the House and mid