Trip Planner 2018 Trip Planner for Faith-based Travel | Page 12

Tibetan Mongolian Buddhist Cultural Center (Bloomington, Indiana) Most people associate Buddhism with an exotic location in Asia when, in fact, one of the most important religious centers for Tibetan Buddhism is located in one of the most ordinary places in the United States—Bloomington, Indiana. This Buddhist complex includes the Kumbum Chamtse Ling Monastery, a temple, a library and a cultural center, all dedicated to world peace and preserving Tibetan culture and religion. The monastery is home to several Buddhist monks and includes a two-room suite for the Dalai Lama, who has visited here six times. The main floor houses the shrine room and the kitchen, as well as a bookstore and gift shop for visitors. The entrance to the shrine room displays an important message in Sanskrit: “All who enter this room should have a pure heart, so please lay your negative thoughts and worries outside this door.” Inside the room, a display of sacred objects from various faiths underscores the temple’s mission to respect all religions. In fact, leaders of 11 different faiths took part in the dedication of the temple in 2003, and Muhammed Ali, a Muslim, was the special invited guest at that event. People of all faiths are welcome to participate in any of the activities at the Buddhist Cultural Center, including the Dharma lessons (teachings of Buddha), prayer and lunch on Sunday mornings; meditation instruction on Wednesday evenings; the sitting/walking meditation sessions on Monday and Thursday evenings; and yoga instruction on Saturday mornings. 10 trip planner