Tribe Topics Nov 2017 TRB-147 Sept. Topics v3 | Page 2

START NOW FOR A SUCCESSFUL 2018 Between now a nd the e nd of t h e yea r, you cou l d b eg i n a ny of t he goals su gge ste d he re a n d h ave a l eg u p on m ore ef fec t i ve and engaging inte r na l co m m u n i c at i on s for 2 01 8 . A n d yes , of cour se, Tribe would be ha ppy to hel p w i t h a ny of t h e b el ow — or even j ust have a co nve r s at i on a b ou t b est p ra c t i ces . Do a channel audit: How many internal channels are you maintaining at the moment? When you add a new channel, do you close down any of the old ones? Do you know what’s working for employees and what’s not? An audit of your internal channels can help streamline your work load and increase the effectiveness of your employee communications. An outside partner can take a look at what you’re doing, gauge the success of each channel, and offer input on what other companies are currently doing and changes you may want to consider. Consider replacing your intranet: Does your intranet make it easy for employees to find the information they need to do their jobs? Do they use it to connect with each other and the company? Do you have a process to provide a steady stream of fresh and relevant content? If not, a new intranet might be a much simpler project than you realize. Technology has moved quickly in this market and there are now many SaaS options that are easy to use and maintain, fairly quick to build and are surprisingly less expensive than you might expect.