TREND Spring/Summer 2018 | Page 10

We have a lot to be proud of in Tennessee public education. In the past year, our state has been named by multiple national studies for the progress our students have made and the ways we are equipping each graduate to be successful after high school. We’ve celebrated a number of moments – from recitals and district championships to science fairs and spelling bees – that showcase our students’ talents, and we have loved hearing about those day-to-day victories that happen when a light bulb goes off in the classroom. The summer break in the school year provides a moment to reflect on our accomplishments and see where we can continue to improve. I wanted to share a couple of those highlights with you and relay how we are planning to move forward. Education is a long game, and we all know it can take years – maybe even decades – to see our investments pay off. In 2007, our state had a call-to-action moment when several agencies and reports, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, gave us an “F” for the quality of our “We are always listening and im we’ll continue to ~Commissioner of Edu academic standards and the honesty of our state assessment – which said more than 90 percent of students were doing fine, but national tests, colleges and employers were telling us our graduates weren’t ready. Now, all of that has changed. Just this spring, we earned an “A” for our standards in 2017 – up from that “F” in 2007 – and Tennessee was noted as the only state where we’ve both raised the bar and students are making gains. H ow O u the W ay