TREND Spring 2017 | Page 3

Letter From The Editor The two main events around ProEd headqaurters during the first half of the year are representing our members during the legislative session and preparing for our annual professional development conference, Leader U. Naturally, the Spring issues of TREND tend to center around these events as well. January kicked off the 110th Tennessee General Assembly. Despite a reprieve from the mid-state’s typical winter weather events, the education committees did not really get moving along until late February. Although the committees finished considering bills and adjourned mid-April, many bills are still being calendared in Finance and awaiting their turn to be heard by the full House and Senate. You can find a summary of some of the bills we followed closely, and highlighted in Advocacy Update emails, beginning on page 12. The Teachers Bill of Rights, introduced by Sen. Green, was our highest priority this session. We are elated by this cornerstone piece of legislation, and will be presenting awards to Senator Jim Tracy and Representative Jay Reedy at Leader U on June 30th. Other 2017 award winners are on page 6. Ensuring Equity and Excellence in Education is the focus of this year’s professional development conference, Leader U. In this issue, we highlight some of the speakers expounding on the importance of the topics on which they will be speaking. We are also planning to expand Leader U on-site professional development into other parts of the state over the coming year and look forward to announcing more details soon. We know many of you are wrapping another year of a new assessment once again, and we welcome your feedback that we can pass along to the department. You are always welcome to call us or send your thoughts and concerns by email. Thank you for all that you do throughout the year, and we hope that you can find some time to relax this summer! TREND The Official Publication of Professional Educators of Tennessee JC Bowman, Executive Editor Audrey Shores, Editor ProEd BOARD State Officers Cathy Kolb, President Tim Childers, Vice President Karolyn Marino, Secretary Kim Blevins, Treasurer N ATALIE B EACH Dewey Esquinance Karen Stroud Penny Sutton ProEd STAFF JC Bowman, Executive Director A UDREY S HORES , COO Mike Sheppard Director of Benefits Bethany Bowman Director of Professional Learning K AREN S TROUD M EMBER S ERVICES C OORDINATOR Trend (ISSN #10) is electronically published quarterly in fall, winter, spring and summer with a focus on the Issues, Ideas and People shaping education in Tennessee. We advance the profession by offering a modern approach to teacher representation and educational advocacy, as well as promoting professionalism, collaboration and excellence without a partisan agenda. There is no attempt to influence any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to candidates for public office. The opinions expressed in this publication represent the beliefs, views or attitudes of the contributor whose name appears in the article and do not necessarily represent the views or policies of Professional Educators of Tennessee or our members. Subscription rates are included in membership dues for members of the association; non-members may secure an online version of the current issue for $25 a year. TREND may contain paid advertising contracted for/by the Association. Advertising rates may be obtained by sending a written request, either to the address listed below or by email. Professional Educators of Tennessee reserves the right to refuse advertising contrary to its purpose. All rights reserved. Permission to reprint, in whole or in part, without permission is prohibited. Permission will customarily be granted if the author and the association are properly cited.